The day is a blur, am in a sleepless haze. Pretty sure the hormones have dropped too, like the floor dropping out of those centrifugal force rides at the carnival, or a bouncy swing being unplugged. (Not that we’ve set…
guest post: waiting
Waiting By DaMomma Advent never meant anything to me until I experienced pregnancy. In the Christian tradition, Advent is the four-week period leading up to Christmas. It is a time when we consider impending birth, and the celebration of hope…
from wretch to angel (conclusion): where’s the angel part?
So, lesson number one post-partum: Don’t set your blog readers up for a two or three part series when you barely know if you’ll be sleeping any day soon. When I sat down to write that first post-birth post, in…
guest post: things i learned the hard way so you wouldn’t have to (seriously)
Wow. I’ve never guest blogged before. I’m flattered to have been asked. Yay me! I’m Lizzy and I blog over at the house of h. Julie’s a pretty recent addition to my blogroll, but I’m so glad to “know” her.…
wretch to angel (part one-point-five): the revised view
We met with our doula yesterday for our post-birth wrap-up. A chance for us to discuss what had happened, for me to express my joy or/and frustration, ask questions, get her perspective. She was due to arrive at 3 p.m.…
guest post: magic
When Julie invited me to be part of her “post-birth blogging team,” how could I refuse? Even if the topic, “The calm before…” rather terrified me. See, it’s been 4+ years since that fateful day when our lives changed forever……