
Welcome to The Calm Before The Stork, a blog about my pregnancy and motherhood experience. Everything I say here is my own opinion about stuff. I am not a medical authority of any kind. Or any other kind of authority. I have a master’s degree in performance art, so maybe I’m an authority on that. But not really.

(After Jonah was born, I worked as project editor for a book on pregnancy from the folks at Parenting magazine, so you might say I was certified as an expert of sorts around 2008.)

I am also not generally known to be a calm person, so my use of the word “calm” is somewhat ironic, or optimistic, depending on how you look at it.

My name is Julie, my husband is Scott. I was 37 when I became pregnant.

We live in Oakland, California with our two one-and-a-half one-and-a-replacement-half cats. I’m a writer by trade, and Scott is an artist. Our cats are just cats.

I gave birth to Jonah at a hospital in November 2007, with the help of my husband, my OB-GYN, and a doula.

Here are links to a few of my early posts, to help you get to know me a little, and see how this whole thing started:

how it began
knowing and not knowing yet
two pink lines
telling my parents
about my belly
what is my blogging story?
being pregnant is a lot like having a broken leg
stretch marks on my heart

Please feel free to leave a comment. And, thanks for stopping by!