If it’s happened two days in a row, it’s still just a coincidence, right? Check with me tomorrow to see if we go for three times and therefore a pattern. Faithful readers know that I read The Book, that my…
must have more
Well, we finally have achieved sign language. Yesterday, after I read a requested “Book!” he said “Moooureh” and made the little two birds kissing sign with his hands. So that’s it folks. The boy has learned how to sign and…
i think it means we’re teaching him self esteem
Jonah is figuring out some of his toys on a new level. Whereas many items were deemed merely good for chewing or banging on or with, now he’s starting to get how the shapes go into the matching holes on…
hand-word coordination
Now that we have Spider nailed down, new hand-word combinations have arisen. This morning, out of nowhere, he started clapping. For real. Both hands making contact, with the sound of palms slapping against one another. I’m not sure how it…
the itsy bitsy spider
I had a lot of hope about teaching the boy sign language. I attended an introductory class. I read a book, the studied the flashcards a number of times. From the first day we fed him solid foods I was…
some words we didn’t mean to teach him
The verbal blue streak continues with: chair crab hippopotamus spiderman box top (as in jar and box) water hat turtle wallet He even took the top off a box, and when I put it on my head, he said “Hat!”…