I’m feeling weepy about the end of an era in our lives. The six month occupation of the Lawrence Hall of Science by the Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit. We were there from the first day, on May 28th, when we stumbled…
Category: video
jonah’s directorial debut
I recently purchased a set of parenting pamphlets from an organization called Hand in Hand Parenting, “Listening to Children.” The set is, by far, my absolute most favorite parenting guide. I’ve read at least four books on parenting and communication…
sign him up for acting classes
Tonight, while Jonah was eating his sandwich, a little bit may have gone down the wrong pipe. He coughed vigorously. And then he proclaimed that he needed to go to the hospital. This is because last week, on Thursday night,…
the preschool diaries: transition completed?
On Friday, Jonah had his first full day, 8:30-3. It took some convincing for him to stay there without me. The bells helped. Anyone who has been in a Montessori preschool will recognize these bells. I am curious myself as…
why you should never bake a birthday cake with a face on it
(With apologies for the low light in the video.) Note that no holiday is let go of easily in our house, as evidenced by the three-week-old cake head, and the two-month old Halloween decorations. Sadly, after this video was made,…
happy halloween, buzz buzz
My brain has not been up for writing lately. In lieu of deep thoughts or cute Jonah stories, I present cute Jonah in his entirety, in bumblebee costume, on video (never mind my messy messy house):