The first night, I blew his little mind. With this: Child’s Astronaut Writst Watch I paid around $11 for it at one of our favorite haunts, the Lawrence Hall of Science. You can follow the link posted above and get…
You insert your quarter and pull the arm. Every third, tenth, hundredth time, you hit the jackpot. Your brain likes jackpot. You insert your quarter and pull the arm, insert quarter, pull arm… But the 4-year-old is easier to please.…
And yet, our love for Thomas is not over. This week, I bought Jonah a new pair of Crocs. The last time we bought him Crocs was his first shoe store shopping trip ever, with Aunt Jenny. At Happy Feet…
(Note: One word of not-genteel language may appear in this post — more than once. Adjust your screen, browser, expectations, whatnot, accordingly.) Today Jonah had his other first day of preschool. We already went through the first day back in…
Oh Thomas. How quickly you overtook our lives. It started innocently enough with a seeming affinity to train tables at the play spaces and toy stores. We could have gone Brio. Thought briefly about the Brio; Brio would have been…
Wow, I feel so refreshed. Can you tell? My blog is all upgraded and stuff. Nothing you can SEE exactly (or rather, AT ALL), but it’s amazing what a little time with tech support, a few maaaaagical scripts (Bluehost ROCKS)…
1. More skulls: Thank you GAP for continuing to keep us in skulls. The boy now has skull-and-crossbones socks. Three pair, though I’m already wondering if I should get more, and in more sizes. He also now has a GAP…
A pretty day, a warm day. We were going to go to yoga first, but this morning was just one of those mornings. Between nursing and napping and a nice long shower and diapers and restocking the diaper bag and…