I’m not much of a causes girl. Signing petitions, sending letters to congress/senate people, not usually my thing. But this? The very same people who protect us from lead in painted toys (or try to) and phthalates in plastic toys…
Category: recommendations
booms and busts
The adorable, colorful, alphabet foam puzzle mat we got for the living room? Kind of a bust. The boy loves to pull it apart. Put the smaller bits in his mouth (probably not a good idea — definitely not strong…
the new joys of jumping and chatting
File under: oops. This morning, as Jonah was squirming, fighting, crying while I tried to put him in his jumperoo — just so I wouldn’t have to follow him up the stairs over and over for the next 20 minutes,…
falling behind as the boy advances
He’s made leaps and bounds this week while I have been backsliding on the blogging. Not an ideal combination. But not surprising since developmental leaps are usually accompanied by a breaking-up of baby’s sleep patterns, right? That’s what we drone…
i believe in miracles
Miraculously, the internet brought us a new bucket hat. Not identical to the one lost, but close enough to make us happy. Plus it’s bigger than the old one, and with his 75th percentile head, that’s a good thing. Thank…
the dryer post
I am in love with my new dryer. Let me explain. Since, oh, 1987, I’ve been living in rooming houses and apartments which all boasted coin-operated dryers, unless they had no dryers at all, in which case, laundrymats, coin-operated. My…
blog, dammit
There seems to be some controversy over the word dammit and it’s hurting our new friend Maggie who just wants to earn a little ad revenue. We’d like to start a let-Maggie-run-blogher-ads write-in campaign, but don’t really know how to…
fabulous day on lakeshore with baby (minimal whining)
The whining is all me. I am sick. Sick, I tell you. Not in the head. But as in head cold. Sneeeeeeeezy, runnnnnnny nose, waaaaaaaatery eyes. It’s miseeeeerrrrrabbbble. Seriously. And my face is raw, sandpapered raw from tissues/toilet paper/napkins, the…