Category: recommendations

save handmade toys and clothes: action needed

I’m not much of a causes girl. Signing petitions, sending letters to congress/senate people, not usually my thing. But this? The very same people who protect us from lead in painted toys (or try to) and phthalates in plastic toys…

booms and busts

The adorable, colorful, alphabet foam puzzle mat we got for the living room? Kind of a bust. The boy loves to pull it apart. Put the smaller bits in his mouth (probably not a good idea — definitely not strong…

the new joys of jumping and chatting

File under: oops. This morning, as Jonah was squirming, fighting, crying while I tried to put him in his jumperoo — just so I wouldn’t have to follow him up the stairs over and over for the next 20 minutes,…

falling behind as the boy advances

He’s made leaps and bounds this week while I have been backsliding on the blogging. Not an ideal combination. But not surprising since developmental leaps are usually accompanied by a breaking-up of baby’s sleep patterns, right? That’s what we drone…

i believe in miracles

Miraculously, the internet brought us a new bucket hat. Not identical to the one lost, but close enough to make us happy. Plus it’s bigger than the old one, and with his 75th percentile head, that’s a good thing. Thank…

the dryer post

I am in love with my new dryer. Let me explain. Since, oh, 1987, I’ve been living in rooming houses and apartments which all boasted coin-operated dryers, unless they had no dryers at all, in which case, laundrymats, coin-operated. My…

blog, dammit

There seems to be some controversy over the word dammit and it’s hurting our new friend Maggie who just wants to earn a little ad revenue. We’d like to start a let-Maggie-run-blogher-ads write-in campaign, but don’t really know how to…