Category: just me

blog identity crisis

“That’s why you haven’t been posting as much lately,” Leila says when I tell her that I’m in the midst of. That’s one of the reasons. I mean, also, I’ve been ill. And insecure about my life choices. You know……

follow me into the dark*

Things have been a little rough lately. The sleep debt is apparently cumulative, and my balance received unfortunate bolster from the boy’s recent three-times-a-night wake-up habit. And potentially exacerbated by a rumored-typical hormonal shift at around 6 months. So I…

the evolution of cocktail conversation

It wasn’t so long ago that I was wildly happy to hold forth on the many virtues, natures, shades, moods, of poo. Now, if you hadn’t already noticed, my favorite topic is sleep. Deep sleep, shallow sleep, rolling sleep, stationary…

how right she is

So, about that Psychic Chiropractor… Newer readers of this blog may have missed earlier mentions. Here are a few posts that refer: knowing and not knowing yet a-ha moment babycare class She doesn’t use the term. She calls herself a…


I was driving to pick up take-out Vietnamese food and talking on the cell phone with friend Jenny who informed me about the eclipse that was happening RIGHT THEN. I was too tired to bother. After that lovely start to…

in memoriam

I’m sitting, well, gliding, in the glider chair, trying to help the boy take his morning nap. He clearly needs to nap. He’d gotten cranky. He was rubbing his eyes. First I bundled him up in his fleece swaddler, popped…