Category: feeding

it is so quiet, except in my head

The weaning seems to be continuing. I’m okay with it. Kind of. When my sister was in town recently, she said, “I wish you could be confident in the decisions you make as a mom.” She meant it in the…

dance, he said

Jonah loves music (“Mee-you-gick!” he says). He now knows that Mee-you-gick comes out of our computers and so he points and demands it when the mood strikes him. We have a few kid CDs loaded into our laptops. Tonight, we…

he’s weaning mom?

I meant to but never reported exactly when we realized the pacifier had faded away. I think it was around eight months or soon thereafter because I know he wasn’t taking it during that second round of sleep (re)training. It…

i should start a baby food company

This post could have many other titles: dinner for three easy low-fat cassoulet how i am so proud of myself… This morning, during meditation, I made up a stew recipe. (Yes, this may seem odd… one doesn’t control the direction…

blog, dammit

There seems to be some controversy over the word dammit and it’s hurting our new friend Maggie who just wants to earn a little ad revenue. We’d like to start a let-Maggie-run-blogher-ads write-in campaign, but don’t really know how to…