Category: don’t panic


It’s a… healthy boy. At least as far as chromosomes 21, 18, 13, x, and y are concerned. FISH test results came back “normal,” and now I can relax. Of course there are the other pairs of chromosomes to worry…

surviving the amnio

We had the amnio test yesterday, and anticipation was in fact worse than actuality. We arrived at the lab at 1:00 sharp, as I had explicitly been instructed to do by the nurse who made our appointment over the phone…

peanuts are back on the good list

Yes, I already said I’m not a huge fan of them, but I have missed gnawing on an occasional chicken satay with the sauce (it’s pointless without), and to have one more food item to be less afraid of ingesting,…

the weight update

I’m 16 weeks today! Wahoo! And the exciting news is that I have not gained weight! Although I was at an all-time low about my size two weeks ago, I am now heartened by the fact that I’ve been holding…

to test or not to test

I just found out today that my friend in England, who is about the same age as I am, went with the NT-scan (which is standard for all British moms at 12-weeks) and blood test, and then had CVS. Her…

heartbeat and cankles

Monday, June 4, 2007 So, today we saw the doctor again, confirmed that we are skipping the preliminary tests (blood, nuchal translucency, chorionic villi sampling) and going straight to amnio, since CVS seems relatively too risky, and the other two…

the weight rant

Let me say from the outset that I have never been “Thin.” There is no recorded history of it that I can find in my family archives. I remember shopping in the Juniors section way too young, and feeling good…

about my belly

Thursday, May 10, 2007: 11 Weeks In my area, there is a famous baseball player whose record-breaking home runs are being tracked with a special flip board on the wall of the stadium. I would like something similar for the…