Category: back to the land

farm, stairs, no-ooo-oo

Overdue report from the Hoes Down Festival: There were fiddling kids: Old timey blacksmiths: Cows: And best of all, the petting zoo: * * * Milestone report: Over the last three days, Jonah has begun climbing stairs. And so I’ve…

joy and sorrow

Today Jonah had his first trip to the “Little Farm.” We’ll have to go again at least one more time, because his father wasn’t with us. But we’ll probably go more often than that because he loved it. He kicked…

the planet he will inherit

Reading this article by Michael Pollan tonight reminded me of college. I took a class called “Controlling Processes” with Professor Laura Nader (sister of Ralph, and much more interesting). Every week, as we discussed all the different ways one can…