And I know at least one person (Scott) who will be surprised to hear me say that, since last night was our most colossal crying fit EVER, and for the first time since we brought him home, Jonah did not…
Category: baby baby baby
life serial
I’m not miserable. Are you miserable? No. I’m not miserable. It’s just hard when he’s crying. Yeah, and your head feels like it’s going to explode. People say it gets better at 6 weeks. Not that we should count on…
still lifes
1. My friend comes over to visit with her two-month old. My friend is about 5 feet tall and 90 pounds (I exaggerate). Her baby is big. So big. Like a koala bear. Her baby looks bigger than her. My…
arsenic hour
Apparently this is a known phenomenon. The early evening hour — that time when parents are just getting home, kids are melting down, and you’d like to either take arsenic or dispense it. Ha. Ha. I melt down like clockwork…
still lifes
1. It’s quiet. Except for the wind through the trees, and the wind chimes. The ones that Scott usually relegates to the basement in winter because the noise irritates him. But not this winter. The bedroom window frame rattles slightly…
gratitudes & recipes of the week: green chile chicken enchiladas and potato latkes
I am so grateful to everyone who commented and sent emails and called this week offering love, support, and encouragement, in response to my previous post — as we three struggle with our nursing, calming, napping, etc. Thank you! On…
good news
We went to the pediatrician today and Jonah got weighed. He’s 7 lbs!!! Which means he’s back up to and past his birth weight: From 6-12 to 6-4 after one week, to 7. Hooray for the baby, and the boobs…
stretch marks on my heart
The day is a blur, am in a sleepless haze. Pretty sure the hormones have dropped too, like the floor dropping out of those centrifugal force rides at the carnival, or a bouncy swing being unplugged. (Not that we’ve set…