Go to local mid-size baby gear emporium where staff is a little overly attentive and inexplicably annoying. Sit in three of the six chairs available on the floor and determine that they all make your lower back hurt. Ask about…
The room has pale green textured walls; gentle new age nature-y music plays. Scott sits on a wooden bench; I sit on a dark green “birth ball.” We sip filtered water from paper cups. Our instructor G. sits on the…
Click here and get your stork gear now, while my pregnancy lasts…
I am really really boring lately. Spent all of yesterday doing more Internet shopping for baby, except for the time I took out of my glazed-eyed stupor to get an estimate on the damage to my car. $1500. That was…
So, we went stroller shopping again yesterday, and the Aria fit fine in my trunk, but I don’t want it anymore. It felt wobbly, flimsy, and I didn’t like the harness design. We were both happy with the BOB though.…
Have spent the last few hours online, working on the baby shower registries. I’m finding the listmania lists on Amazon to be a useful tool, as well as all the product reviews parents have taken the time to put on…
But only one or two clicks from you. Today I am sleepy. I made it through yoga this morning, which was delightful, and have discovered as of this week that in spite of well-intentioned desires (or obsessively driven desires, depending…
This is one of Scott’s favorites. He’s been hinting for days that he would like me to make this dish. It’s another one that I learned from my Aunt Renee. It’s Syrian, and I’ve been making it from memory ever…