Author: calm mama

waiting for something exciting to happen

The other day, Martha Stewart was addressing her studio audience. I’ll paraphrase, though I’m sure there’s a YouTube clip of this somewhere… “How many of you have ever heard of a blog? How many of you have not? About half…

not the only one

I’m not the only one worried about phthalates. California residents can take action here: And everyone can read more about the toxins commonly found in baby products, and the known health risks here:

good news on glucose testing

My doctor reviewed my six days of diet and exercise notes and home glucometer testing results and said that my blood sugar numbers look good. Especially the fasting numbers (first thing in the morning) which are the most critical. In…

catching up: me other places

A bit of this and that at my other location, Project Pregnancy… First I was feeling sorry for myself about how few clothes I have to wear while pregnant. Next I said a few words about just being, while being…

last night’s fight

He: Honey, can we talk about these dishes? Water running. He stands at sink. She walks around kitchen, finding other things to pick up and move. Anything but a dish. She: I thought it was a collaborative effort, or lack…

glucose self-testing, day 2

After an encouraging phone message from my doctor (“Good for you for going for it!” she said), I decided to keep doing this crazy self-testing thing. On the up side, there is a top to the learning curve. As of…

glucose self-testing

After thinking it over for four days, and discussing it with your friends, doula, psychic chiropractor, and nurse practitioner, you decide you WILL take the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. At 5:45 p.m., on the evening before you plan to go…