Author: calm mama

it’s raining friends

Baby Shower, Rev. 2: The local friends edition The people came, the food was eaten, the gifts were unwrapped, the blessings were said. Childhood BFF who is herself 22 weeks along (Hi Mel!) flew down from Portland, Or., for the…

crazy eights?!? wooo hoo!

Okay people, this is it. The big time. I’ve been tagged for a meme. Thanks Jenny at Mommin’! I’m a bit of a blogging newbie, so this is my first. And it couldn’t be more timely (since I’m on the…

more happy, less moping

The thing about the hospital visit Thursday night is that I had to have my bubble burst. So it’s really okay. I’m in the same position I’ve always been, between full-on western medicine and birthing in a field; somewhere on…

is this normal?

Insomnia again. Went to bed at 11. Up again since 1. Now it’s almost 3. Have nearly cleaned out the Tivo of the shows I watch when Scott is not around. The really bad shows (Bachelor, Desperate Housewives). Shows that…

can-do girl reappears

My elusive pregnancy superhero alter ego “Can-Do Girl” reappeared yesterday. She’s also known as “TCB Girl,” in a nod to The King and his lightning bolt logo, and Husband’s sharing of said King’s birthday. But I digress, perhaps as one…

the end of childbirth preparation class and other signs of winding down

This Tuesday will be the final meeting of my/our childbirth preparation class. I’m going to miss it. In four short weeks, I’ve grown attached to our little cadre of pregnant couples, earnestly doing our Zen breathing together, practicing our hypnobirthing…