Author: calm mama

our last meal

Everyone says: Make sure you go on a date now! Get to movies now because you never will again! Go go go! A couple of weeks ago, we made a trip up to the hot springs. Probably won’t do that…

nesting gone wild

I’ve bought things. I’ve returned things. I’ve had two baby showers. Our house has boxes of baby gear in every room, half-opened boxes from recent shipments, bags and boxes wherein I’ve made some attempts to organize all the stuff, stuff,…

on joy and jealousy

I found out today that a dear friend who has been two weeks ahead of me in our pregnancies gave birth yesterday. At home, in a birthing tub, attended by three midwives and a doula, supported in the tub by…

just me. no meme. memed out.

With apologies to Eric for his enthusiastic tagging and the general promotion of camaraderie, I just can’t do another meme right now. (If you would like to see the questions I’m not answering, please click here. If any leave you…

7 weird and random things

Mama-Om tagged me for this meme (and then Eric hit me up for a different one this morning — that silliness will be dispatched with soon…) that is circulating through the nablopomo community. The fun part is that not only…