Author: calm mama

still lifes

1. It’s quiet. Except for the wind through the trees, and the wind chimes. The ones that Scott usually relegates to the basement in winter because the noise irritates him. But not this winter. The bedroom window frame rattles slightly…

bloggy love

My first blog award ever! Jenny at Mommin’ it up said the nicest things about me and my little blog and gave me this award: It’s the prestigious Egel Nest Blog Award of Eggsellence! Originated by Mr. Bradley Egel to…

good news

We went to the pediatrician today and Jonah got weighed. He’s 7 lbs!!! Which means he’s back up to and past his birth weight: From 6-12 to 6-4 after one week, to 7. Hooray for the baby, and the boobs…

stretch marks on my heart

The day is a blur, am in a sleepless haze. Pretty sure the hormones have dropped too, like the floor dropping out of those centrifugal force rides at the carnival, or a bouncy swing being unplugged. (Not that we’ve set…