Today was a day of firsts: 1. Mommy’s first time nursing under a blanket — in car, in the parking lot of Trader Joe’s, and only because the sun was hitting baby in the face and bothering him. 2. I…
Author: calm mama
cat, knitting, bones, continued (worry optional)
One reason I haven’t posted in the last day-and-a-half: You may remember where this sweater was a while back: I’d finished the hood before the boy arrived, but sleeves and button placket seemed an utter impossibility. Between the sheer effort…
i heart date night
We did it. We had our first real date night since baby was born. It took some work, some tenacity, to get there. My parents arrived on Thursday. I began the training then. Started them on diapering and in true…
life serial
Discussion with husband re: how to spend “date night” tonight while my parents are babysitting the boy… Me: Hot tub place or movie? Which do you prefer? Him: I’m not going to say. I want you to decide. Just don’t…
top 5 things meme from damomma
I have been tagged by DaMomma and so here I go… (Some memes are fun and others give me a headache. Like the kind where you have to answer three hundred questions including things like which ice cream flavor, chocolate…
so how was your day?
I got myself invited out to lunch with some of the moms from my new Mothers’ Group. We walked to the restaurant. About 20 minutes, around the lake. It was awkward, me pushing the snap-and-go with its less than smooth…
monday’s mama is still learning how to use her new camera
Life is goo. But wait, the new/used sweater must be viewed from front, too: Sweatpants courtesy of Grandma Marcia, Pooh slippers a la Kelly and Carlos, fetching chapeau from Brady. Jonah thinks fashion is swell:
vaccination and new baby clothes
Who has time to read the whole book? I read the last four chapters. Well, skimmed. Enough to gather that I should be worried about aluminum in vaccines, and enough to find the two schedules the doc recommends — one…