On the morning of day seven, looking back, a little drowsy, trying to remember all the things I wanted to report here… This post will include my food and recreation recommendations if you ever make it to Kauai after reading…
Author: calm mama
traveling with baby: kauai, days three and four
Traveling with Baby: Kauai, Day Two
Today, we shopped. Needed to stock up for the week in the condo. Food and gear. We started at Wal-Mart. Just like Brad and Angelina. Bought a really cute cheap bouncy seat that my parents are going to take back…
Traveling with Baby: Kauai, Day One
We’d planned to pack days in advance, but in all our spare time, that didn’t happen. The day before the trip I did all of our laundry. All of it. Practically buried my mother’s helper in clean clothes. Just when…
sleep wobbles in carrying its shoes in one hand
The boy had three glorious days of those 1-1/2 hour naps. On day four, he decided to just take one 2-1/2 hour nap. On day five, he hardly napped at all. And so it goes. It hardly seemed worth mentioning…
the giggler
Today is the day he giggled. He’s smiled. He’s even laughed. A kind of inhale exhale 2-beat chortle. But giggling? It happened this morning. On the changing table of course. I yelled for Scott. You have to hear this. Tickled…
he’s so cute i can’t stand it
The blog’s been awfully wordy lately. So I thought I’d stick in another picture. Took a whole bunch out by the flowering plum tree last week but the technological hoops I’ve got to go through to get them uploaded… It…
long, lean, and lanky
He’s over 25 inches long, weighs just a hair shy of 12 pounds. That’s 65th percentile for height/length, and 10th percentile for poundage. But mom, before you call me all worried… he’s fine. Gaining weight at a normal rate and…