Author: calm mama

he’s weaning mom?

I meant to but never reported exactly when we realized the pacifier had faded away. I think it was around eight months or soon thereafter because I know he wasn’t taking it during that second round of sleep (re)training. It…

my little napoleon

He just keeps on talking. He puts together adjectives and nouns now, which Laura says is a very advanced skill. Waaruh! Cold! Waaruh! Cold. (Water, for those who cannot translate.) We do a lot of guessing lately. Tonight while I…

they call him the poopinator

Our poop story continues. First, a swing and a miss: This morning, I was preparing to go into the big city to do some real work (gulp!). So I was a little distracted. Not totally on my mom game. You…

must have more

Well, we finally have achieved sign language. Yesterday, after I read a requested “Book!” he said “Moooureh” and made the little two birds kissing sign with his hands. So that’s it folks. The boy has learned how to sign and…

i think it means we’re teaching him self esteem

Jonah is figuring out some of his toys on a new level. Whereas many items were deemed merely good for chewing or banging on or with, now he’s starting to get how the shapes go into the matching holes on…

hand-word coordination

Now that we have Spider nailed down, new hand-word combinations have arisen. This morning, out of nowhere, he started clapping. For real. Both hands making contact, with the sound of palms slapping against one another. I’m not sure how it…

the itsy bitsy spider

I had a lot of hope about teaching the boy sign language. I attended an introductory class. I read a book,  the studied the flashcards a number of times. From the first day we fed him solid foods I was…