Author: calm mama

you only decorate the ones you love

These photos represent an evolution over time. Possibly about a week. First, there was the day that Jonah decided all his Bob-the-Builder guys needed sunglasses. After they were properly adorned, a Thomas and Percy pair were also gifted with protective…

a few words on death and dying

Jonah has been talking a lot about death and reincarnation lately — not that he knows the latter word but the idea is pretty strong for him. Of course his whole take on the issue is kind of adorable… Our…

jonah’s computer

Jonah has a computer that his friend Vida made for him at preschool. Just now, as I was sneaking a peak at Facebook (oh no, I never ever check email or social media during our playtime because I am a…

putting the boy to work

It cannot be said enough, this thing about three-year-olds liking to do household chores. I wanted to get the kitchen cleaned up (weird, I know, and rare – ask Scott). I could not convince Jonah to go play with toys…

there once was a train named…

We’re driving in the car on the way to the gym. Jonah says, “Mama, tell me a story.” I turn the radio off and begin: Once upon a time, there was a… Train! says Jonah. Once upon a time there…