thoughts about the moon

We went for a walk on Christmas day. Bright, cool, but not cold, pleasant afternoon. Just the slightest bit darkening turquoise blue sky with a big half-moon visible above the trees.

Jonah says:

“There’s the moon. It looks like somebody cut it into pieces and put it up in the sky like a teeny tiny decoration.”

(Dere’z da moond. It LOOKz layike, SOME-ba-deee CUT it innnto PIEC-EZzz an put it UP in da skaye laihke aye teeeeny taiynee DEH-KOR-AYYY-SHUNNN.)

* * *

 At the Academy of Sciences yesterday, in the coral reef exhibit, where the deep deep dark water fish are, we’re looking at an exhibit of these little fishes that have phosphorescent crescent spots under their eyes, about a thirty of them swimming around in total darkness. We’re standing up inside the half-domed tank, watching them.

Jonah says, “They look like tiny moons to me.”

1 comment for “thoughts about the moon

  1. December 29, 2009 at 11:59 am

    That boy is a poet, truly!

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