why you should never bake a birthday cake with a face on it

(With apologies for the low light in the video.)

Note that no holiday is let go of easily in our house, as evidenced by the three-week-old cake head, and the two-month old Halloween decorations. Sadly, after this video was made, we did indeed dispose of the head. Jonah cried. Some days, he still asks us to see the birthday cake in the fridge (Birfdey cayke in tha fwidge). Next year, I’m thinking train or dump truck and definitely going to throw out the whole thing after the party. Letting him visit the leftovers in the fridge for weeks probably didn’t help matters much.

1 comment for “why you should never bake a birthday cake with a face on it

  1. December 22, 2009 at 3:24 pm

    Why do they have such long memories when we don’t want them to! Mikko still raves about Halloween & his father’s birthday (cake-cake! candles! pawty hats!), and he always finds where we hide the chocolate Advent calendar, which was this year’s stupidest purchase by me.

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