Scott and I are generally not big holiday people. Halloween, especially, is not our holiday. We don’t much care for dressing up or spending money on costumes. One year, early in our couplehood, we did make an effort, like the cool kids do. We went to a used clothing store, found these outlandish silver “gowns” which we augmented with wigs and paramilitary accessories and silver face paint and we really TRIED to be this cool alien couple but in the end, we just looked like foil-wrapped baked potatoes with frills on top. This was pre-Jonah and yet we both preferred by about 9pm to give up on the party we were not enjoying and just go home and watch TV.
Yeah, we’re exciting.
But, surprise, Jonah has changed Halloween for us.
We carved a pumpkin. Jack-O-Lantern! We put a battery operated candle in it and his favorite activity became opening the top, pulling out the candle, turning it off and on, off and on, putting it back in, replacing top, repeat. All the while with the live action narration of his activities.
As video in previous post shows, the bumblebee costume was a big hit. He wore it again on Halloween day, and night, and again for most of this morning. Yesterday, at the neighborhood parade and carnival, we ran into two other bees and attempts at photographing the swarm were made:
Yes, we discussed mugging the “beekeeper” parents for their costumes.
Scott and I were witch and goblin — I taking advantage of my many all-black wardrobe options and an old witch hat we had in the basement, and Scott wearing all-black also plus a giant hooded cape his mom had made for him in the 8th grade that still fits.
Jonah enjoyed the whole “treats” thing, taking a shiny brightly colored wrappered candy from the cauldron at each participating merchant’s door along the tot-parade route. Note the witch bag in above photos provided by the local Chamber of Commerce type rep who led the parade. Jonah has never eaten candy (that I know of) but he is besotted with the idea of “treats” since we are already familiar with kitty treats and doggy treats. He puts the treats in his bag, takes them out, offers them to me, leaves them around, steps on them.
Not that we escaped the sugar rush. There was a cupcake decorating table at the fair, and you know how he is about cupcakes. Note crumbs on his cheek in above photos as well as this pre-consumption lip-smack:
After the fair, we took Jonah home for the obligatory attempt at napping. (Ha ha. ROTFLMAO.) The afternoon was a mostly quiet affair, with the boy refusing to re-don the costume, and us being fine with not going to see Asheba or Cowboy Jared, though we would have been game if the boy had been up for it.
He did get excited when the trick-or-treaters started showing up at our door around 7. Since I’d decided that he would have a later bedtime (8pm) last night, to try to adjust to daylight savings, we, in agreement with he who was tired but still interested in an adventure, got our costumes back on and went out into the night to view neighbors’ holiday installations.
Jonah’s opinion is generally that Bai-DURRRS are really great. GULLS (skulls) are pretty cool too, and mostly not scary. Jack-o-lanterns are FRIEND-Leeee; he especially likes when, “IT HAZ UH SDEMMM!” And SKEYL-a-tonz, he likes also. But the yard with the hands and feet and head coming up out of the ground he definitely did not like, and SkayerCROWS, even the smiling ones, are uniformly, without question, SKAYUREEE.
So, other than the scarecrow problem, and it’s surprising how many tableaux include the scarecrow, Halloween is basically the kid’s favorite holiday.
So far anyway. We’ll see if he develops a similar love of turkeys…
Darling costumes
It would have been perfect with those bee keepers uniforms!! Looks like a GREAT halloween!
kbreints’s last blog post..Leaf fun