Lord. I am so tired.
How has a week gone by with no blog post? I blame daylight savings. I guess. At night, I no longer have the energy for much of anything. I eat, watch a little TV, climb into bed. Bed is calling me now, but guilt about not posting has me finally typing something, despite an apparent lack of inspiration.
Ch ch ch ch changes…
The boy is refining his rooster crow. Whereas up to now it’s been a ridiculously charming doodleoodleoodle, today I listened to him practice the full phrase to himself in the car seat. Cucka! Doodle! Cah! Doo.. Cadoodle! I guess I could have modified how I read that page on Hello Day! But I wasn’t thinking, was I? Sigh.
He’s really working on walking. We’re trying to hold him lightly under his arms rather than letting him grip our hands and hang-ish while he practices. It’s still pretty much a stumble-fall-forward affair but he’s making progress.
He’s memorizing his books. We now recite Sheep in a Jeep together. This is a favorite in-the-car activity. I say Sheep. He says Beep Beep. I recite the first page of the book which goes, Beep Beep. Sheep in a Jeep on a hill that’s steep. He says, Uh-oh! — which is the start of the text on the next page. I recite that one (because I’ve now read this book like 300 times). The rest of the book, his side of the conversation, goes roughly like this: Leap, Shove, Splash, Help, Steer, Weep. Sale.
In related news, due to the Wheels on the Bus, when I was explaining to Jonah that goats have horns, he said, Beep?
He’s singing more. I played Old MacDonald for him on his wooden drum one day and on another I found him at that drum, banging in pretty good time, and occasionally saying Eeeyai Eeeeyai and Bock! So I got out the video camera and sang the song with him. Will have to upload and post that here, because you all really want to hear me sing.
Today I took him to the library for story time and during the break between the baby story time and the toddler story time (I figured he’d enjoy both) he asked to nurse and I let him and next thing I know he’s asleep. Asleep enough for me to shift him up onto my shoulder, put on my shoes, gather my things and go outside, stand by the car and wonder what to do next, decide finally to walk to the store, get the BOB out of the trunk one-handed and set up on the sidewalk. But not asleep enough to sleep through my transferring him from my shoulder to the stroller.
Since experience dictates that once he’s done that kind of mini-nap, I best abandon all hope ye who mother here, I decided we should go for tacos. He agreed that this was a delightful idea. We picked up my friend Rebecca along the way. As we were dropping her off after lunch I got a cell phone call which led to an impromptu park play date and then I thought maybe he would nap if I put him in the car since he seeeeeemed tired. HAH! Next we spent about an hour and a half in Whole Foods while Jonah drank water and poured it on himself, ate a bit of an apple, half a banana, demanded a mango thinking it was a pear, and demanded repeat visits to the cheese sample areas where he consumed many many small cubes of very strong aged gouda and similarly culinarily challenging Irish cheddar (Happy St. P. Day).
That’s my boy.
Upon arriving home, we discovered that his new drum had arrived, which we opened immediately and he set to banging upon it. A LOT.
Another new thing: After his diaper change, I didn’t put his clothes back on, because it was warm in the house, and bath and pajamas would be coming soon. I left the room for a moment while he was playing. I hear him declare, Diaper! Hurt! And the next thing, I look down and an entirely naked Jonah is crawling underfoot.
His first successful diaper self-removal.
Uh oh – first solo diaper removal…
My nephew is working on his rooster crow too, right now it’s more of a “cooclclddlcoooo,” in a high pitched squeel!