farm, stairs, no-ooo-oo

Overdue report from the Hoes Down Festival:

There were fiddling kids:

Old timey blacksmiths:


And best of all, the petting zoo:

* * *

Milestone report: Over the last three days, Jonah has begun climbing stairs. And so I’ve joined  that long lineage of parents hunched down behind baby butts with hands out to spot as the little ones grunt, push, scramble, experiment, up up up.

* * *

Many weeks ago, Jonah started shaking his head back and forth. It was somewhere between a game — he does it, you do it, he laughs, repeat — and a trippy way to make himself extra dizzy when done while on the swings, for example.

Over time, it’s become more and more an instrument of choice. No, I don’t want that book, or the next six you offer, but the seventh… he doesn’t nod yes. It’s more an absence of the no, an air of expectation: You have my permission to continue along this path; although occasionally when you guess what he’s trying to get across, he rewards you with a giggle: Ah, you get it! Isn’t it grand?

Up to now, the No had been exclusively employed in the books and mealtimes areas. At meals it was which food he wanted a bite of next. Water or not.

But now, he’s expressing his opinion regarding diaper changes — I’d prefer not to, even if my diaper is full, thanks. And also nursing. Whereas before, I’d offer a boob and he’d either take it or not, now I just have to pat my chest and inquire “boob?” and he votes yay or nay in this new manner.

Last night, after Scott had read him only three books, rather than four or five, I came in to do my part in our bedtime routine (i.e.: nurse him down) as it was getting late. Jonah looked up at me from his spot on Daddy’s lap and shook his head. No, Mama, it’s not time for you yet.

But we switched positions anyway and I tried to suggest that a nurse might be nice. No. Two more books please. These books.

And then, when I suggested he take his bedtime snack, he assented with a turn of his body towards mine.

I think we’re all very clear now as to who is in charge around here.

5 comments for “farm, stairs, no-ooo-oo

  1. October 13, 2008 at 7:21 am

    Isn’t it amazing how quickly they make their preferences known and establish themselves as individuals?

  2. October 13, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    Pictures are adorable.
    I thought the “No” milestone was not till 2 years. He is definitely advanced for his age. :-))
    Can’t wait to see him tackle those stairs.

  3. October 14, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Jonah and the goat ear! Hilarious. “Can I take this home with me?”

    Laura’s last blog post..Parenting in the Great Concavity

  4. eva
    October 15, 2008 at 9:09 am

    When Megan started the head shaking I thought there was something wrong with her! Like autism or something. Spent some time with Mr. Google to find out that it’s totally normal. Whew. At least it’s meaningful for Jonah – for Megan? Not AT ALL.

    eva’s last blog post..Good News, Bad News

  5. October 16, 2008 at 12:46 am

    My guy loves to shake his head. He grins the entire time.

    He especially loves to put his forehead to mine (or whomever is holding him), and then shake his head. Grampa taught him that one.

    During feeding, it’s a head shake and eye rubbing when he doesn’t want something.

    He’s totally the boss of me. Scary.

    becky’s last blog post..End of something good?

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