
Last night, he slept for eight hours. In a row. Nursed, went back to sleep for another three hours. Amazing.

His morning naps are clocking in at closer to two hours lately.

Our evenings seem so much calmer and more spacious.

But here’s my question. When is the OUT part of CIO going to kick in? As in, when does it happen that we put him down to sleep and he DOESN’T cry for half an hour first.

Okay, sometimes with the naps he only cries for five minutes.

Also interesting has been his intra-crib gymnastics. During the crying phase, he does 360s, ending up perpendicular to the mattress with his legs hanging out the bars one moment, and then scrunched up in one corner with his forehead against the “head”board, one arm out the slats, and face DOWN–but breathing–the next time I visit.

I think it’s okay to let him sleep face down now that he’s seven months old. However, we will be buying a mesh crib bumper tomorrow to stop the limbs from escaping.

Considering a video monitor now as the newfound mobility has me checking on him even more often. Anyone have a brand they like? So far, the online reviews are not making any product look particularly good.

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4 comments for “wow.

  1. June 26, 2008 at 8:38 am

    One bit of advice? Put him to sleep face-down. He’s old enough to roll/twist his face to the side if he needs to breathe more freely.

    I started doing this with Flann, and the results were AMAZING. Two nights out of three (except when he’s teething, has a cold, or dealing with nasty nasty asthma med), he conks out without a single tear.

    Laura’s last blog post..Up up up

  2. June 26, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Oh, whenever I babysit my nephews I always get so paranoid of they sleep face down, even though they’re both over a year old. I’ll probably be a nervous wreck when I have my own!
    :) Becky

  3. June 26, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    I tried face-down for his nap today. He didn’t go for it. Cried like crazy for over half an hour till my nerves couldn’t take it any more and I gave in. Maybe I missed the sleepiness window. Will try it again.

  4. eva
    June 26, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    Megan is still crying to sleep every night and most naps. No matter how much I pop her into that crib the INSTANT she rubs eyes/gets crabby etc, she cries and it’s often more like 10 minutes than 5. And sometimes it’s longer. Oh and I put her down on her back every time, and she flips onto her tummy every time. If I put her down on her tummy she SCREAMS! Babies.

    eva’s last blog post..Revenge of the Prunes

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