long time, no blog (amended to add)

Letting the days go by? Hardly. Working my butt off, in two directions is more like it.

Physical butt: Been to three yoga classes this week (mom/baby variety), planning to hit the fourth tomorrow. Plus I even went back to my old improv practice group.

Other butt: I got a new wahm assignment, a belated result of THAT job interview. Book editing! Woohoo! As previously discussed, the pay hardly outpaces the cost of childcare, but in this particular case, the using-my-brain aspect makes up for it. Oh, and it’s good for the resume. (I was going to add “blah blah blah” but really, it’s not; keeping any kind of resume together post-baby is quite an accomplishment, not one I had high hopes of accomplishing myself.)

Actually, it’s remarkable. Between working this week, doing all the yoga, and going back to improv, my general mood has lifted quite a bit. Not that you’d notice (?) from what I write here. I try to stay out of the pity pot on the blog. (How am I doing?)

Seems like if I fall into complaining too much on the Internet, really using my writing to revel in the sublime misery, slather myself with wondrous woe, believe every fear in my brain like it was an academy-award-winning documentary, I find, I can get even more down. Like how Oprah says to do a gratitude list every day to improve your outlook on life, only the opposite.

So I try. Aaaa-ccentuate the pos-i-tive. Of course, occasionally I have to tell you the hard stuff, or I would lose my sh*t wouldn’t be being honest.

In other news: I think I finally decided on a stroller. Not going to jinx it by telling you, yet. But this conversation helped:

Him: You’re not going to find the perfect stroller.

Me: Why not?

Him: Because the perfect stroller only exists in your head. It doesn’t exist in real life.

Me: Oh.

Him: It’s like my coffee mug.

…only it’s not like his coffee mug. He found the perfect travel coffee mug. It took a lot of research, and a lot of ebay auctions since once he found it, it was hard to come by. Starbucks sold it, then Caribu Coffee Company. Scott has it in almost every color. Lately you can buy it at Target, and I have to say, if I can find a stroller as useful and stylish as that mug, I’ll be strolling with it.

* * *

Amended to add… 

I just read this post this morning. Got a chance to see what others are up to on the Web since I’m awake at 6:30 a.m., and Scott has the boy at the moment. Ah, morning. I hear daddy singing and baby chirps coming from the other room as I type this.

A propos of my above-stated desire to stay mostly (70%?) on the good foot when I blog, and my recent earth-day-related desire to do be a more conscious citizen of the planet in my own small way, I ask you to read my dear friend Leila’s blog post and to pray (in whatever way you like) for her and for our world.

3 comments for “long time, no blog (amended to add)

  1. May 9, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    Congrats on the editing assignment AND on 4 yoga classes in a week. Sounds like a good groove!

    mayberry’s last blog post..Bloggy schadenfreude

  2. May 10, 2008 at 2:24 pm

    Thank you, sweetheart, for the link. I read this post BEFORE the update so I didn’t know until you told me that you’d added this. And Grandpa dropped by! Thanks again, and blessings to you…

  3. Leanne
    May 12, 2008 at 6:50 am

    Just wanted to add my congratulations on the book editing! I was hoping you’d get some good news after that interview.

    Loved the little anecdote about the perfect stroller.

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