sleep interrupted

Yesterday’s noble optimism has been clouded by today’s lack of sleep.

He just didn’t sleep today. From 5 a.m. on. Okay, he took mini naps, nap-ettes at 3 and 5. And wouldn’t go to sleep until after 8, and after exhaustive effort on our part to make it so. Who is THIS boy?

He’s also less and less a fan of his pacifier lately. I wonder if this has something to do with the sleep disruption? He needs to learn a new way to soothe himself? We had one of our crying-together jags in the car on the way to our stroller consultation. Neither of us was happy about his not sleeping.

And today I forgot to bring bags with me when I left the house, so I didn’t go to the Farmers’ market. I don’t think that’s the point of making resolutions, but that’s what happened. Not that Mr. Happy was really in a state to accompany me anyway. He fussed through lunch with a friend, slept briefly in the stroller, and then nursed a lot at a local mom-and-baby store where they have lots of plush seating and a public changing table for our out-in-the-world comfort, while I discussed strollers with the mom who worked there — as she nursed her daughter; probably one of the only places you CAN nurse at work.

No, I did not buy a new stroller today. Still can’t decide.

3 comments for “sleep interrupted

  1. Gillian
    April 23, 2008 at 12:53 am

    Repeat after me, “This, too, shall pass. This, too, shall pass…”

  2. April 24, 2008 at 8:40 am

    Hmmm? Could he be going through another growth spurt and just want to eat more? Earache? Teething? Just guessing here.

    With somethings, you never really figure out what the problem is and eventually it does just go away. I know not getting enough sleep yourself makes it even harder to take care of a fussy baby, but your doing great!

    NoMasNinos’s last blog post..Pilot and CoPilot

  3. eva
    April 25, 2008 at 2:05 am

    All I can say is WOW can I ever relate to moms with sleeping baby issues. The thing that gets me through it is that a pediatrician at the hospital where I work told me that moms often “exaggerate” (I call it LYING) about their babies’ sleeping habits. And for what it’s worth, we just got a Maclaren Quest and LOVE it for our lightweight/travel/fits in my trunk easily stroller.

    eva’s last blog post..Officially a Geek (aka blogging on vacation)

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