Just when I get to complaining, he changes again!
Last night the boy slept 7 straight hours. SEVEN!!! And then nursed a bit, and slept for 3 more!!!
This morning he is all smiles and gurgles and yet more present than he’s ever been. Scott says his head looks bigger. Still proportionate, but bigger, yes.
As of last night, we have a new game where he grunts twice before pooping and then I grunt two times and we both get excited — Yay, Poop! — and he grins like summertime.
He’s currently in his bouncy seat on the dining table between Scott and I as we work on our laptops and he works on beating the hooey out of those little dangling bears with flailing fists, and makes bubbles with spit.
Much envy over here. Flann’s longest stint is still four hours. Sigh. Maybe Jonah can give him lessons.
Laura H.’s last blog post..Fatface.
Yay, Jonah — keep it up! And what a great scene on his bouncy seat — love it!
My oldest (the non-sleeper I have commented about previously) was fussy and demanding. Eternally frustrating. And there were days that there was nothing I could do to calm her down. Not for lack of trying and not for lack of love – it was just her. I agree with what someone else commented – time goes by and some things get easier and some things get harder. There is never an “all is perfect” time, or at least there hasn’t been for me. Love your baby, love yourself and your ability to do all you can and do for him, and don’t wallow in the guilt. p.s. do you have an early blog that tells more about you and your psychic chiropractor? You keep mentioning her and I am so curious!
Laura: Flann is so chill! I love the thing he does with his eyelashes in the mirror — he and Jonah can trade secrets.
Sarah: Yes, I’ll get on describing the PC thing. I’ve admitted it several times but often been cryptic. Maybe next post — a little recap with added details…
LOVE the long nights of sleep – I got one last night too! Enjoy them when they happen because there’s no telling when the next one will occur
eva’s last blog post..Sleeping Beauty