Category: trains


I will back date this post but I can hardly hold up the ruse as I’ve already written today’s post and as you have seen or will see, I am wringing this info out of one tired brain. Yesterday we…

the green chile odyssey continues

Magdalena Cafe

Today we continued our quest for food that is smothered in cheese and green chile. Did you know there is an official Green Chile Cheeseburger Trail? We ate at one of the official locations, the Magdalena Cafe. Yes, it is…

things have changed – and not

Once upon a time, my child was so entranced with ants, he would try to catch them. To have them sit in his palm. This afternoon, he was sitting beside me on my office floor, smacking them DEAD with the…

it’s not over until the Thomas jibbitz sings

And yet, our love for Thomas is not over. This week, I bought Jonah a new pair of Crocs. The last time we bought him Crocs was his first shoe store shopping trip ever, with Aunt Jenny. At Happy Feet…

move over Thomas, there’s a new licensed character in town

Thomas has been usurped. Or sideswiped rather. By Lightning McQueen. No, he has NOT seen the movie. Yet. It all sort of started with a gift from a cousin, three years ago. An LMcQ stuffie that zips open for storing…

a spot of tea with sugar and cream

This morning, Jonah decided he would like to have a tea party with real tea. He has a tea set, which we gave to him for his 2nd birthday, because he was then obsessed with miniature teapots and ladybugs. Amazingly,…

you only decorate the ones you love

These photos represent an evolution over time. Possibly about a week. First, there was the day that Jonah decided all his Bob-the-Builder guys needed sunglasses. After they were properly adorned, a Thomas and Percy pair were also gifted with protective…