Can’t give it a full five hearts, equivalent to a flat-out “I heart” since the class is four hours long (too long!) on each of two successive Sundays, in that fluorescently-lit room where we took Infant CPR last week. Actually,…
Category: don’t panic
lessons in life-saving
So, this week we attended our infant CPR class. For about three hours, in a fluorescently-lit room with no windows, we expecting couples repeatedly practiced life-saving techniques on small and mid-size baby replicas, in the case of choking, or/and loss…
is this normal?
Insomnia again. Went to bed at 11. Up again since 1. Now it’s almost 3. Have nearly cleaned out the Tivo of the shows I watch when Scott is not around. The really bad shows (Bachelor, Desperate Housewives). Shows that…
the somnolent insomniac gets a growth scan
Strange days/daze: Spent almost the entire weekend sleeping. Feeling like a big hibernating mother bear. Then last night (this morning), 3:30 a.m., bolted awake. Wide awake, but not useful awake. Just awake. Short breath, heart rate elevated, can’t sleep, awake.…
the risk of eating sushi while leaning back during a vaccination
This week in my childbirth preparation class I learned that pretty soon, we don’t want the baby to be “sunny-side up.” In other words, if he’s facing out towards the world, I could have a very painful “back labor” experience.…
the pediatrician decision, in three parts
I wrote about the whole experience because you should feel like you were there: Part I Part II Part III I was feeling pretty certain, after writing the third installment, which doc to pick, but since then I’ve found myself…
laughter and other evidence of letting go
Last night, Scott and I were lying in bed watching TV. A commercial came on for that new movie with Robert Duvall and Joaquin Phoenix. I said, “Mmmm…. I loves me some Joaquin Phoenix.” “Really?” Scott asked. “Yes,” I replied.…
People Urged to Dispose of California Department of Health Lunch Boxes. Sigh.