Author: calm mama

recipe of the week: Italian meatloaf

I thought I was going to do meatballs, but all that rolling… ooof. No. I kind-of made up this recipe, based on experiences with other meatball and meatloaf recipes. It came out pretty good. Tonight we ate it plain with…

22 weeks and not feeling so well today

Sadly, I had to miss swim class tonight. I’ve got a sore throat. At around 5 p.m., I actually laid in bed and thought: I only have 18 weeks left that I can even GO to prenatal swim class. Sigh.…

feeling kicky

I’ve got a new post up at Project Parenting today, all about yesterday’s good-day-ness, and about how I’m applying a little too late to collect on the SDI benefits, unless the baby comes late. Sigh. Yoga and the waxing of…


So, a few weeks back, I wrote confidently about our nontoxic ant-fighting “solution,” a recipe with borax and sugar that, in the past, has worked beautifully. Not this season. The ants came and came and came again. Waves of them,…

more thoughts on boy vs. girl

I guess I wasn’t done with this topic yet. I said a few more things and included some interesting links today at Stop on by. In other news, Scott finally felt the baby move today. Just one of those…

fit to bursting

And I don’t mean my pregnant belly today. Though you should really see it. Ask me next time to lift my shirt and show you. It’s impressive. No, I’m fit to bursting with pride about my DAD. My Dad, who…

bigger every day

Today my Pilates instructor said something to the effect of “Wow, you really look pregnant.” I swear, I’m getting bigger on a daily basis now. My appetite has also gotten larger. I still feel like I’m on track, weight-gain-wise, but…