daddy and jonah’s fine day

On Tuesday, Scott took Jonah for the whole day while I worked. Now that we’re on a reduced breastfeeding schedule, this is much easier to pull off.

In the morning, they went to Crosstown Community Center for “Campfire Songs” — a guy playing solo with guitar or fiddle as it suits the tune. Parents and kids are welcome to sing along though Scott reported that he (being part cowboy himself) was about the only one actually joining in. Meanwhile the toddlers toddle about playing with various toys and instruments scattered in front of the stage area. Jonah formed a friendship with one little girl — the daughter of the musician — and offered her some of his precious Bowlies, vis this camera phone pic:

After singing, dad and boy returned home for a nice two-hour nap (oh how I love those days when Jonah naps well!) and then they went off to do some errands.

This next photo came from their trip to Whole Foods:

And then they went to the park. (No photos.)

And then Scott cooked dinner, too.

All in all, a very fine day.

2 comments for “daddy and jonah’s fine day

  1. Nana
    March 27, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    He is so sweet that I could eat him up. He looks so grown up in the third picture. This is all happening too fast for me. I want to hold on tight to this precious time. Alas, I can’t.

  2. MCR
    March 27, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    My thought exactly…looks like a little boy, not a baby. Nice to hear about Daddy and Jonah going out by themselves to have fun adventures…many more to come, I’m sure. Awesome.

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